This form is currently in demo mode.

Cost Quantity Price
Gold Sponsor

Your ad on the inside front or back cover of the Program Book, Ten tickets to the Gala , Your logo on MyGOAL’s website and acknowledgement at the Gala

0 +
Silver Sponsor

A full - page ad in the Gala Program Book , Five tickets to the Gala, Your logo on MyGOAL’s website and acknowledgement at the Gala

0 +
Table Sponsor

Ten tickets to the Gala and acknowledgement at the Gala.

0 +
Bronze Sponsor

A half - page ad in the Gala Program Book, Two tickets to the Gala, Your logo on MyGOAL’s website and acknowledgement at the Gala

0 +
Sponsor an Individual

A ticket to sponsor an individual to attend

0 +

0 +

0 +

0 +
Raffle - 1 Sheet of Pink Raffle Sheet

Raffle Ticket for Regular Raffle Items

0 +
Raffle - 2 Sheets of Pink Raffle Sheet

Raffle Ticket for Regular Raffle Items

0 +
Raffle - Red Ticket Luxury Items

Raffle Ticket for Luxury Items

0 +
Raffle - Green Ticket Luxury Items

Raffle Ticket for Valentino Ladies Large Tote Speciality Luxury Item

0 +
Raffle Pack - 1 Green Valentino Ticket + 3 Pink Full Sheets

Raffle Pack - 1 Green Valentino Ticket + 3 Pink Full Sheets

0 +
Raffle Pack - 2 Green Valentino Ticket + 3 Pink Full Sheets

Raffle Pack - 2 Green Valentino Ticket + 3 Pink Full Sheets

0 +
Raffle Pack - 4 Green Valentino Ticket + 2 Pink Full Sheets

Raffle Pack - 4 Green Valentino Ticket + 2 Pink Full Sheets

0 +
Total: ---

Your Details

This transaction will include processing fees.

Your card will be charged $ USD.


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